California's Crushing Cannabis Taxes
If you were to ask what the main problem facing the largest cannabis market in the country is, there would be one resounding answer – TAXES.
Cannabis taxes on the state and local levels are choking the life out of businesses across the state of California and cultivators, manufacturers, and retailers are looking for relief anywhere.
Cannabis Is A 'No Show' In State Of The Union
President Joe Biden began his first State of the Union Address laying out the numerous ways that he is working to support the people of war-torn Ukraine. He went on to describe his triumphs in turning around the economy post-pandemic and then rattled off several issues that he says need to be dealt with like crime, infrastructure, childcare, opioid abuse, veterans care, even going so far as to cure cancer, but the one element that was sorely lacking from the speech – cannabis.
72% of Cannabis Operators: Lack of Banking is Biggest Concern
"Operators are kept up at night worrying about how to survive in an environment where there is little support, extremely strong competition from illicit dealers from one side, and the existential threat of corporate competition on the other. The only solution for operators is to advocate for a level playing field and hope that reform will occur sooner, and not later," - Beau Whitney
SAFE Banking Is NOT About Rich People Getting Rich
The legislation would federally deschedule the plant, while allowing states to continue governing themselves with policies they deem appropriate. It also creates much needed social equity programs and creates a strategy for taxation. The two major surprises of the day were how middle of the road the legislation comes across and how fervently Booker is opposed to allowing the SAFE Banking Act to move forward.